Welcome to My Blog.

Here, you will find posts, links, and more about code (primarily Ruby), business (bootstrapped SaaS), and a little of everything in between.

The CodingFont game is excellent, but what if you want to do a quick test drive?

Well, here you go Programming Fonts.


Nice upgrade to MarsEdit (V5). I am looking forward to using the new Micro Post feature.


OMG.lol is a fun little service for status updates, profile pages, and more.

I set up an account and a page here: ScottW, and you can see my status on my now page.

From a business perspective, I am curious to see if the $5 per year price point works. It takes a lot of scale to make a business work at that price point.


CodingFont is a fun bracket game that helps you pick a coding font.

I recommend checking the Hide Font Names option.

My winner was Azeret Mono. A younger me would have picked a smaller font, but I will give this one a shot for a couple weeks.


Debugging is an underappreciated skill and is worth your time to get good at.

A debugging manifesto


Friday Five: Podcasts

My podcast listening usually fluctuates between what I am interested in and what I do while listening to podcasts.

In the past, it has been a lot about software and business, and I was usually listening while taking walks.

These days I usually listen while training at the gym, so my focus is not quite there for something profound like software or business.

I do not have a true favorite, so please ignore the order.

  1. Bill Simons - I wouldn't say this is my favorite, but certainly the one I listen to the most. Bill talks a lot about Basketball and Football, which are the two sports I enjoy the most (especially with a spin and some gambling). There is also a fair amount of celebrity/pop culture, which I skip 9 out of 10 times.

  2. New Heights. - This is a relatively new podcast from the Kelsey brothers in the NFL. It is by far the best athlete-driven podcast I have come across. It will be interesting to see what happens after the season is over (and more sadly if/when Jason retires)

  3. The Steam Room - Ernie Johnson is great, and Charles Barkley is a living legend. Enough said.

  4. All-In - Rich guys discussing business/politics/etc. It probably shouldn't be as funny as it is, but so be it.

  5. The Tim Ferris Show - This might be my longest-running podcast subscription. I started to tune out of the body hacking/etc. stuff, but I have come back for the other interviews. Tim does a great job digging in on questions, and his pre-research is top-notch. Even when someone is there with the goal of selling/launching something, you walk away with some deep insights.


The New Business Paradox

Nathan Barry (on Twitter this morning)

I worked on ConvertKit for 3+ years before we made enough for me to take a salary. Sometimes things worth building take a long time. Keep going.

There is a fine line between being persistent vs. irrational. Do I need to give this a little more time? Or am I wasting time on something that may never work?

There is no true answer to this paradox. I have mentioned in the past there were numerous times in KickoffLab's history that I rationalized that this might be a nice side hustle and thought about moving on to something else. But then the business grew a bit more, and it was again a good idea to keep moving forward.

My assumption, in general, is that far too many jump ship too soon for fear of wasting time and money. The hallways and dinners at most MicroConfs are full of failed business stories in the one to three-month range.

Sometimes you just need to be irrational for a bit longer....but not too long. 😏


At this point, shouldn't you just were a helmet?

See Dyson Zone.


Apple Watch - Start Your Day?

“The Start Your Day” request is now my least favorite watch/iOS feature.

Apple knows:

  1. The current time of day
  2. I recently logged into my watch
  3. My movements
  4. Other apps I have opened and used
  5. I just spent over an hour at the gym.
  6. I was in a car
  7. And much more

A more innovative feature would detect I am at a place where I likely do not want to be disturbed and recommend I “pause my normal day.”


An early morning post-workout full moon.
