Welcome to My Blog.

Here, you will find posts, links, and more about code (primarily Ruby), business (bootstrapped SaaS), and a little of everything in between.

Adding Paging Titles for Short Micro.blog Posts

I noticed posts without titles do not have proper HTML Title tags on my new Micro.blog.

Even as I type this, I kind of get it. How do you have a title without a title? 🤔

Many services rely on a title element when building links, and seeing "ScottW's Blog" (or whatever I eventually name this thing) looks silly.

I checked the source for a couple other Micro.blog templates and found none of them did anything special to handle the missing title. Most looked something like this:

<title>{{ if not .IsHome }}{{ .Title }} - {{ end }}{{ site.Title }}</title>

After some trial and error, I noticed the .Summary value for the default meta description tag and decided to use that. This is the first 'code' I have written in Hugo, so it might need some more tweaking in the future:

      {{ if .IsHome }}
      {{ else if .Title }}
        {{ .Title }}
      {{ else}}
        {{ .Summary }}}
      {{ end }}
      - {{ .Site.Title }}

Polar Express


CSS Loaders 100 sample loaders are all done with CSS. I continue to be amazed at what can be done with CSS, even with a personal goal to write as little CSS as possible for the rest of my life. 😄


It's that time of year...


Open Source Seeds

The principle is the same: Someone developed the seeds — for cowpeas, corn, rye, and more — and now offers the resource for everybody to share.



Phlex is a framework for building fast, reusable, testable views in pure Ruby.

I look forward to trying Phlex for a small project in the next couple of weeks.

I am still a fan of ViewComponent as well, but the markdown support for Phlex might be a game changer for me.



I am looking into the sort performance updates (especially rank()). Poor rank() performance was one of the biggest bottlenecks in KickoffLabs back in the day and forced us to move to Redis for these calculations.


CleanShot Custom Backgrounds

CleanShot X has a nice update (version 4.5) that allows you to control the background of a screenshot.

Before this update, you could only apply a background when you did a full screenshot, and there was no option except for your current wallpaper (I think 🤔).

If you want to use the new background feature with the window screenshot option, you must set the default background as transparent.
