What I am doing now


I am about to hit year 12 (or maybe 13) on KickoffLabs. The main things I am working on these days are simplifying the user experience and minimizing our external dependencies.

Personal Projects

PhrontPage - My return to building a blog engine. I am just getting started with it, but eventually, it will be the best way to maintain a developer blog. PhrontPage is fully open-source and free to use.

ThocStock - ThocStock is still going strong. The affiliate revenue pays its bills. The mechanical keyboard market has settled a bit, so it is an opportunity to add some calmness to the site and focus more energy on educating about purchases.

HowIVSCode - HowIVSCode helps share what extensions and configuration settings you use on VSCode. The site has been going strong for years. I am hoping that at some point shortly, I can begin to display some aggregate statistics.


Blogging - Back in the day, I wrote all the time. I have had a strong desire to get back to that flow.

Training/Fitness/Health - I have made health a top priority in my life, and I now feel like it is a habit that will stick. I would like to share more about what I am doing on this site.