Quick Thoughts...

Ruby Enumerable#any?

At first glance, this is not what I was expecting:

[false, false, false].any? => false

But a quick glance at the docs:

The method returns true if the block ever returns a value other than false or nil

This can be handy for doing a bunch of small tests and detecting if anything passed.


In a similar vein to the Bill Gurley's video, Malcom Gladwell had a recent podcast highlighting the misinformation in bills that would ban AR-15's.


A truly fantastic talk by Bill Gurley on the regulatory landscape and the influence of special interests - 2,851 Miles


Interesting break down of what people actually use ChatGPT for.

The last couple of days I have been working with TSRanges in PostgreSQL and it ChatGPT has made it extremely productive.


Fear is our true enemy

At the root of most fear is what other people will think of us. It's paralyzing. It's skewing. It distorts the very fabric of our reality -- makes us behave in such utterly insane and cowardly ways that it's hard to even describe.

- via Ryan Holiday in Courage is Calling

The older I get, the more I see this every day. Science says we only use about 10% of brains. But that is not what holds us back. We hold ourselves back because we are afraid of looking like a failure.


Corsair Acquires Drop

Today, I have the honor of sharing with you yet another step in our evolution. Drop has been acquired by Corsair.

They say the brand will continue, but unfortunately, its value has been ruined over the last couple of years.

I have had mostly good experiences with Drop, and I thought adding a desk accessory category recently was an intelligent move.

My guess is Drop disappears in less than two years.
