Welcome to My Blog.

Here, you will find posts, links, and more about code (primarily Ruby), business (bootstrapped SaaS), and a little of everything in between.

What's on my desk? - An Onyx with GMK Botanical


Store Model

StoreModel gem allows you to wrap JSON-backed DB columns with ActiveModel-like classes.

My only caution with it is querying. But it looks very appealing for data you typically only read and want to keep the tables/migrations to a minimum.


Original Tweet on the unoriginal Toot.


Overheard at home:

7yr old: Mommy, can I come with you to pay the gold digger?

The actual context makes this far more innocent, but what’s the fun in that.


Twitter Could Use a Foundation

It is nice to see that Flickr's history is going to be preserved.

We joke and laugh (and maybe cry) about the state of Twitter these days, but it does make you think that maybe Twitter needs something like that in place as well.

None of our social networks have negatively affected personal writing/blogging/sharing as Twitter. For most (me included), writing in 140 to 280-character increments was easier.

I have been concerned over the years about the persistence of this content (as well as the discoverability). Knowing what has been shared on Twitter will be available (warts and all) is more pressing than ever.

One of my main drivers for the move to a blog-first approach like Micro.blog is that everything I write and share starts outside of Twitter, Mastodon, and whatever comes next.


A Guide to Ruby Equality

equality in Ruby is not straightforward. There is #==, #eql?, #equal?, #===, and more. Even if you’re familiar with using them, implementing them can be a whole other story.


Ruby 3.2 IRB

The need for Pry continues to decrease.


I saw Scott Hanselman's post on using your own domain for Mastodon discoverability.

Instead of adding a webfinger file, I added this redirect on Netlify:

/.well-known/webfinger https://ruby.social/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:scottw@ruby.social

Longer term, there is likely some benefit to hosting the file yourself, but this gets you rolling quickly today.


I'll be back with Ivory, but for now, it is time to increasingly minimize time on the birdsite.

Slightly less dramatic with the expiration in April. 🫢
