Day 6 of #mbmar - (pre-)engineering
Welcome to My Blog.
Here, you will find posts, links, and more about code (primarily Ruby), business (bootstrapped SaaS), and a little of everything in between.
Custom Flash Messages in Rails
The more you know.
Ja Morant Has Everything. He Could Lose It All
Morant should be suspended for the rest of the season. Anything shorter is the wrong message.
Day 5 of #mbmar - tiles (with a reflection)
Waiting for Jerry at ‘zip’ code 10023 - Day 4 mbmar.
The only reason to post something like this is because it happened and someone admitted to it.
The new KickoffLabs product intro by @joshaledgard is banging:
By far the best thing we have done to show you the what can be done with the product we have spent over a decade building.
Day 3 of mbmar challenge - Zamboni at Rockefeller Center (Solitude)
Day 2 of #mbmar - weather.
So many options.