Welcome to My Blog.

Here, you will find posts, links, and more about code (primarily Ruby), business (bootstrapped SaaS), and a little of everything in between.

A game of spotting the hidden cancel link.


My other Remote Ruby listen on a way too cold morning March walk was with Ken Collins about using AWS Lambda with Rails.

See Lamby


How did I not know that typing a single "." on GitHub would open the entire project in VSCode.

Great discussion on The Remote Ruby podcast about CodeSpaces to take this even further.


Never send a long email when brief bullet points will do.


Bookmarklet's are an underutilized tool for data entry. This is the first tool I have seen try to make this easier: Bookmarklet Editor


Litestack looks like a handy library to get a project started.


Next.js to Ruby

I have been working on converting something from Next.js to Ruby. The Next.js version is still more visually appealing to me, but the benefits of working in Ruby far supior to me long term.


    <Card as="article">
      <Card.Title href={`/articles/${article.slug}`}>
      <Card.Eyebrow as="time" dateTime={article.date} decorate>
      <Card.Cta>Read article</Card.Cta>


    {%@ Shared::Card::Card as: :article do %}
      {%@ Shared::Card::Title as: :h2, href: article.relative_url do %}
      {% end %}
      {%@ Shared::Card::Eyebrow as: :time, dateTime: article.data.date, decorate: true do %}
      {% end %}
      {%@ Shared::Card::Description do %}
      {% end %}
      {%@ Shared::Card::Cta do %}Read article{% end %}
    {% end %}

I have been listening to the “Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck” and this quote (likely paraphrased incorrectly) stood out to me:

What determines success is not what you want to enjoy, but what pain you are willing to sustain.


If you find yourself with a lot of open VSCode projects, the Peacock extension can add a great visual clue (color) when trying to quickly switch.
