Charlie Munge:

    The world isn’t driven by greed. It’s driven by envy.

    Ruby Enumerable#any?

    At first glance, this is not what I was expecting:

    [false, false, false].any? => false

    But a quick glance at the docs:

    The method returns true if the block ever returns a value other than false or nil

    This can be handy for doing a bunch of small tests and detecting if anything passed.

    AI Code Review via MetaBob

    Looks interesting. I will definitely try it out once they support Ruby.

    Who’s Harry Potter? Making LLMs forget

    What do we do if we realize that some of our training data needs to be removed after the LLM has already been trained?

    In a similar vein to the Bill Gurley’s video, Malcom Gladwell had a recent podcast highlighting the misinformation in bills that would ban AR-15’s.

    A truly fantastic talk by Bill Gurley on the regulatory landscape and the influence of special interests - 2,851 Miles

    Suggestions For Not Forgetting To Remove Unused Code

    I am working on a significant update/rewrite of part of KickoffLabs. I had a task to work through what we do in a Sidekiq worker. It was late on Friday when I got to this part of the code, and I decided to punt on it until Monday.

    Monday morning, I grab a cup of coffee and sit down to finish this section off and see a comment I missed (and had missed for a long time).

    Code Comment, Remove in August 2019

    Outside the screenshot, there is an if statement, ensuring this code was not executed in the last four years. Still, it was frustrating that we had missed removing it for so long.

    I figured ChatGPT would have a good solution to stay on top of this, but it mostly just tried to explain to me how to use comments. :)

    Next up, I asked on Twitter (and Ruby.Social):

    Any suggestions (other than search) to ensure code like this gets cleaned up?

    From there, I got a lot of good suggestions.

    Two Ruby gems looked interesting:

    If I had to choose, I would go with todo_or_die since it would cause a failure/notification locally. I would rather not wait until there was a pull request/etc.

    The rest of the suggestions included if statements and date checks. My favorite, and the one I will likely adopt going forward, is to wrap it in a test that fails after a specific date.

    Interesting break down of what people actually use ChatGPT for.

    The last couple of days I have been working with TSRanges in PostgreSQL and it ChatGPT has made it extremely productive.

    Nice walk through going from a Turbo Frame to Turbo Stream

    Fear is our true enemy

    At the root of most fear is what other people will think of us. It’s paralyzing. It’s skewing. It distorts the very fabric of our reality – makes us behave in such utterly insane and cowardly ways that it’s hard to even describe.

    - via Ryan Holiday in Courage is Calling

    The older I get, the more I see this every day. Science says we only use about 10% of brains. But that is not what holds us back. We hold ourselves back because we are afraid of looking like a failure.

    From Minutes to Seconds

    I am tired of guessing the future of AI. What I am sure of, something routine like this used to take significantly longer than it does today.

    In the past:

    1. Google a bit; maybe find someone asking a similar question somewhere (hopefully, do not get distracted by something else).
    2. Goto the docs (which often took Google to find)
    3. Try and find something related to what you were doing.
    4. (Sometimes) Apply what you learn in step #3 to your problem.

    Now, we are back to a quick search, which is kind of like Google in the old days.

    Code showing how to update the payment method on a subscription in Braintree

    The Fall of the 10X Developer

    This piece by Justin Searls has been making the rounds for a week or so.

    The Fall of the 10X Developer

    My quick take: AI is leveling the developer playing field a bit. You still need to ask it proper questions to get good results. We have known for quite a while that colleges do not prepare you to be a good developer in the real world. AI won’t solve the preparation problem, but it will likely make new hires much more effective sooner.

    Still, like any other career, if you just mail it in, you will not truly grow.

    We must remember that today’s AI is much more pattern recognition than thinking. Maybe that will change, but for now, I still believe it is more assistive for most use cases than a replacement.

    Corsair Acquires Drop

    Today, I have the honor of sharing with you yet another step in our evolution. Drop has been acquired by Corsair.

    They say the brand will continue, but unfortunately, its value has been ruined over the last couple of years.

    I have had mostly good experiences with Drop, and I thought adding a desk accessory category recently was an intelligent move.

    My guess is Drop disappears in less than two years.

    Do you see RuboCop offenses after installing and configuring the Standard VS Code Extension?

    To fix this issue, you need to disable RubyLSP’s diagnostics:

    rubyLsp.enabledFeatures": {
        "diagnostics": false

    Hat Tip

    This is likely the best post gem install message I have seen (well, next to HTTParty). Well done Stanard team.

    A Helpful Standard Post Install Message

    Finished reading: Anything You Want by Derek Sivers 📚

    A fantastic quick read that puts you in the right mindset to start a new business. I cannot recommend this book enough to any (current or future) entrepreneurs.

    My biggest wish list item for my Peloton is starting to come true.

    You can now stream shows during a ride. is a good start. Hoping we will see others (Netflix) shortly.

    New Ride

    Steamed Vegetables

    I mentioned yesterday that I enjoyed the Starrett’s chapter on eating in Built to Move. I have been on a high protein kick for a while but was not always getting the 800g recommendation from the book.

    I changed that with a set of microwave bowls (I already owned) called AnyDay (see I am sure there are other similar products out there, so search around (avoid plastic ones), but I enjoy these (do not buy the small ones, the size is not practical).

    What I like about them is you can throw just about any vegetables in them and have them steamed in just a couple of minutes. I start most days with about 200-300g of broccoli and cauliflower.

    I had seen them recommended by Chef David Chang. I am unsure if he is an investor or a fan (my guess is he is getting paid), but they are beneficial either way. He mentions cooking meat and fish in them, but I have yet to go that far. However, they do an excellent job of reheating almost anything and make for some easy rice and oatmeal dishes.

    No referral/affilate here. I am only mentioning them as a recommendation to help you get some more vegetables in your diet quickly. 😁

    Book: Built to Move

    Finished reading: Built to Move by Kelly and Juliet Starrett 📚

    While the Starretts are known for movement and mobility, the chapters on breathing and eating are the two that stuck with me for weeks after finishing it.

    Overall the book is filled with many great tips with no gimmicks, supplements, or additional purchases needed.

    Cookie Policy Generator

    I am not sure what’s worse. The fact this exists or that some might find it helpful….I know the answer….

    The AI-powered cookie policy generator. Enter the url of your website to automatically detect which cookies you need


    If you’ve ever faced the pain of migrating a codebase to a new framework or language, this project is for you.

    We have a bunch of CoffeeScript that I would love to migrate. It is hard to justify the time because it works, but with the improvements made to modern JavaScript, I cannot imagine purposely writing more CoffeeScript at this point.

    According to Peak (and my watch) I am at 2.2 million steps for the year. New goal - 5 million by the end of the year.

    Chart with Steps for the year

    All In on

    I had been working on a rebuild of this site for a while, but it was never quite right.

    In the meantime, I had been using to capture shorter posts (and ideally Tweets before the API was murdered in cold blood).

    There are so many other things I would rather be building than my own blogging experience, so I decided to just go all in on and redirected everything to

    I had published a couple of posts in the past that I need to migrate at some point, but for now, it is nice to just move on.

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